2025 EST
You are warmly invited to join us! All the experts, scholars and students are welcome to actively register to participate in the 32st Ergonomics Society of Taiwan Annual Meeting and International Conference. Everyone attending the conference is required to register and make payment of registration fee.
Once the payment is completed, please send the information including: 1. Name, 2. Title, 3. Institution name, 4. Proof of payment, and 5. Paper ID (if any) to info@2025est.com.
費用繳交完成,請將1. 中文姓名/英文拼音、2. 稱謂、3. 機構中英文名稱、4. 匯款證明,以及5. 投稿編號(若有)等資訊寄至 info@2025est.com。
Student Competition
At least 1 Participant on single or multiple authors paper must register through EST2025 online registration system and make the payment of registration for enrollment in student competition. Once the payment is completed, please fill in the registration information in the registration system. Please prepare the following materials before filling in the registration information:
Proof of payment
Additional information for the contributors: Paper Title and Paper ID
Those who register as students are required to provide a photocopy of the front and back of student ID or an electronic copy of the enrollment certificate.
投稿者需另填寫:論文名稱(Paper Title)、論文編號(Paper ID)
Registration Fee 註冊費用
EST Member
Non-EST Member
Student EST Member
Student Non-EST Member
Payment 繳費方式
EST2025 only accepts payment by "Bank Transfer" and "Online Digital Payment". Mobile payment (such as LinePay, ApplePay, Taiwan Pay and etc.) is not supported. Thank you for your cooperation.
Online Digital Payment
Please click the links below and leave the paper ID number on the messages.
線上電子支付請點選以下連結,並請於「留言給商店」輸入投稿文章ID Number,以利後續對帳流程。
Bank Transfer Account 轉帳資訊
戶名(Account Name):中華民國人因工程學會
轉入銀行代號(Bank Code):700
轉入銀行帳號(Account No.):7000010 – 17008348